Application to be recognized as New Entrant Fisher Name: FIN: Address of Main Residence: Main residence City: Main residence Postal Code: Tel No.: Cellular No.: Email address: Mailing Address (if different from Main Residence): Main residence City: Mailing address Postal Code: Application to be recognized as a New Entrant in the following fisher categories (Check both boxes if you wish to be recognized in all categories) Vessels less than 15.2m (50') LOA (Gulf wide) Vessels over 15.2m (50') to less than 19.8m (65') LOA (Gulf wide) I do solemnly declare that the information given on this application is true and correct and I understand it is illegal to make a false statement. Signature of Applicant: Date: Applications can be mailed or faxed to the nearest office below. Applications can also be sent through a fishers NOLS account. East NB / Est du NB Tel.: 1 855 634-2355 Fax: (506) PEI / Île-du-Prince-Édouard Tel.: 1 855 634-2355 Fax: (902) Gulf Nova Scotia / Golfe N.-É. Tel.: 1 855 634-2355 Fax: (902) New Entrant Eligibility Criteria (Vessels less than 15.2 m (50’) LOA and over 15.2 m (50’) to less than 19.8 m (65’) LOA) Be recognized as a commercial fish harvester within your community. Provide a letter from an accredited fish harvester association or from three Independent Core fish harvesters recognizing you as a commercial fish harvester in your community. Commercial fishing experience while holding a valid commercial fisher registration. A minimum of two of the last five years immediately preceding the date of the application a minimum of five weeks in each of those qualifying years (including fishing contaminated fisheries).(Vessels less than 15.2 m (50’) LOA and over 15.2 m (50’) to less than 19.8 m (65’) LOA) OR Either the current or previous fishing season a minimum of five weeks and have gained significant past commercial experience in the past (three years with a minimum of five weeks in each qualifying year). (Vessels less than 15.2 m (50’) LOA). Supporting documentation such as ROE’s must accompany this application to verify qualifying weeks. One (1) fishing week consists of: One (1) fishing week for lobster (being onboard the vessel each time it goes out) or, Forty (40) hrs. of commercial fishing activities for any species other than lobster per week or, Four (4) days of commercial fishing activities per week starting on Sunday and concluding Saturday. COMMERCIAL FISHING ACTIVITY Year Fished Specie(s) Fishing period from Fishing period to Number of Weeks Who did you fish with Year Fished Specie(s) Fishing period from Fishing period to Number of Weeks Who did you fish with Year Fished Specie(s) Fishing period from Fishing period to Number of Weeks Who did you fish with Year Fished Specie(s) Fishing period from Fishing period to Number of Weeks Who did you fish with Year Fished Specie(s) Fishing period from Fishing period to Number of Weeks Who did you fish with Year Fished Specie(s) Fishing period from Fishing period to Number of Weeks Who did you fish with DFO Use Name/Signature: Date: Approved Denied