Application to be recognized as New Entrant

Application to be recognized as a New Entrant in the following fisher categories (Check both boxes if you wish to be recognized in all categories)

I do solemnly declare that the information given on this application is true and correct and I understand it is illegal to make a false statement.


Applications can be mailed or faxed to the nearest office below. Applications can also be sent through a fishers NOLS account.

East NB / Est du NB
Tel.: 1 855 634-2355
Fax: (506) 395-1819
PEI / Île-du-Prince-Édouard
Tel.: 1 855 634-2355
Fax: (902) 566-7848
Gulf Nova Scotia / Golfe N.-É.
Tel.: 1 855 634-2355
Fax: (902) 863-5818

New Entrant Eligibility Criteria

(Vessels less than 15.2 m (50’) LOA and over 15.2 m (50’) to less than 19.8 m (65’) LOA)

Be recognized as a commercial fish harvester within your community.

Commercial fishing experience while holding a valid commercial fisher registration.

  • OR
  • Supporting documentation such as ROE’s must accompany this application to verify qualifying weeks.
  • One (1) fishing week consists of:
    • One (1) fishing week for lobster (being onboard the vessel each time it goes out) or,
    • Forty (40) hrs. of commercial fishing activities for any species other than lobster per week or,
    • Four (4) days of commercial fishing activities per week starting on Sunday and concluding Saturday.